Tuesday, January 29, 2013

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

"the most important reason for going from one place to another is to see what's in between, and they took great pleasure in doing just that."
From The Phantom Tollbooth By Norton Juster

I have now been in England for four months - the longest period of time that I've been away from Minnesota in one consecutive period. Yet I wouldn't trade this experience for the world. I've been thinking about some of the things that I love about my time. These musings are in no particular order and to some extent completely unrelated to each other.

One of my favorite things is that I get engage with other writers of my own age in a challenging and encouraging environment (that sounded a little academic but I couldn't help myself). How often does a developing writing get to spend entire afternoons talking with a friend about a Young Adult novel she's writing? Not only can we do it but we feel totally justified because she has to turn in the beginning of it for a module assessment. To have such an amazing discussion about the writing process, to share a passion for writing and stories, makes me effervescent with excitement. I feel in many ways that because of the nurturing environment I've discovered here I'm writing better than I ever have before.

I love how many friends I've made who come from such diverse backgrounds and nations. I've made friends from France, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Mexico, Italy, the Netherlands, Singapore, Bahrain, Bulgaria, even Canada and Portland (Oregon, not Maine)! Not to mention the great Brits, all of whom haven't mocked me one bit (well, not more than expected) when I do something that's way to American. Some even pretend to think my accent is cute (I won't go so far as to say sexy, I still reserve that most British accents are much sexier than any American one...however, I've official talked to someone with a Birmingham accent and I publicly declare that that can't be the English language they are speaking!). I don't think I could have found a better group of people to spend my time with at any other place or time.

Many people may disagree with me on this one, but I simply love the fact that I get to spend hours reading about ideas and theories I'd never hear of, or understood, before. Where else would I have read (not just read, but have it recommended by my professor) an academic book that talks about the sociological aspects of seduction, except at University? Seriously people, I get to reread the Chronicles of Narnia for my master's dissertation! How amazing is my life? 

Another thing I adore about my experience, so far, is the community. I'm feeling like grabbing a coffee at one of the cafes on campus, havign a bit to eat, sharing a bottle of wine? I text the first person who comes to mind, and bam! I'm enjoying time with a friend. While we all have tons of stuff to do, we always seem to find time to have dinner or a coffee together. 

While the above - and a plethora of other things - are great, one thing trumps them all; I get to write! Think about it, I get to do one of my favorite things in the entire world and call it homework. For many people this might stifle their creative process because of the pressure to produce, but for me it's like a Get Out Of Jail Free Card. Instead of feeling like there are more pressing things to do, I get to say 'writing is important' because it is required. I am wallowing in the pure pleasure this has given me.

I’m not saying that I’ve not had bad days (I have) or that I’ve not been stressed (pretty sure I’ve had at least three or four panic attacks) but so far I’ve gained so much more than I could ever have thought possible when I dreamed up this crazy scheme a year and a half ago. I’ve got seven more months (and beyond?) and I can’t wait to see what amazing things are in store for me!

Oh, but do not fear dear friends back home - I've not changed much. As evidenced by my "shoes multiplying like rabbits" on my messy bedroom floor and my love of chocolate. I think I'm just becoming a better version of myself - though I've always found joy no matter the verison of myself I'm living!


  1. Sounds fabulous! I'm so glad you shared this with us. When this adventure / journey is complete, all I can say is "Watch out world!" ~Mom

  2. I second what Mom said. That was a great reflection. I really enjoy seeing your journey through your eyes and delight. When I did my Master's I was not as emerged as you are but the tight bonds within the class were fun and enduring. Dad
