Monday, October 29, 2012

Read This! Page

Dear Reader,
I hope you are enjoying reading my blog. I've recently added a new page that I hope you will find interesting. If you click over the the Read This! page you will find selected reading from my course that I've especially liked. These are mostly books I'd never read or heard of before coming to the UK so I hope that they are new and exciting to you as well. Please feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts on the books once you've read them. I can't wait to hear your feedback on my recommendations!

1 comment:

  1. Here's one to share if you can find a copy, we found it at a Thrifty store years ago:
    Fried Feathers for Thanksgiving by James Stevenson.
    It features witches Dolores, Lavinia and Emma (which is why we have a copy at all to commemorate our Emma and her G"ma Do) Emma is do-gooder and an organizer, she is a bit gullible , yet in the end a trickster!
