Thursday, August 8, 2013

Picture of the Day

We went to Birmingham to celebrate Kena's birthday (the cute young lady with short dark hair on the right)
Sahil surprised her with everyone coming to dinner and she almost ruined it by keeping wanting to try different restaurants instead of the one we were all waiting at! Ah, the stress of being in charge of a surprise!
The food was amazing and the company was awesome


  1. What fun! And how do you plan to celebrate the birthday coming up on September 9th??!! At last you'll have a chance to celebrate your birthday at the END of the school year--rather than at the beginning! ~Mom

    1. I'm rather excited to have my birthday after dissertation submission. I haven't planned anything for my birthday - probably nothing too wild, you know me. We'll see, it's still a month away.

  2. This coming from the young lady who, all her life, has begun to plan her birthday party a year in advance. . . But the dissertation is looming in the foreground. I agree; the timing is excellent! ~Mom
